
A lot of very good information on the GPS system is already available on the net, and is not repeated here.  For more see the list with links on this site.

Some time ago i managed to get some GPS receiver modules.  This is the brains of a GPS receiver.  Such a module accepts an antenna on the input side, and produces a serial data stream on the output side.  This serial output contains information on the position and speed of the antenna, the exact time, and more details like what satellites it receives etc.

These Rockwell Jupiter GPS modules were unused and meant to become part of a truck fleet management system.  Despite the fact that these modules were stocked for about 3 years, they are still very potent and quite up-to-date receivers with the following characteristics:

Some special properties of this GPS module are:

Because of these properties we designed a support kit.  This kit contains a PCB with components, and has the following specifications:

The PCB fits in a standard Strapu case (125 * 74 * 27 mm) which is also available.

The Rockwell Jupiter GPS module which can be placed on this PCB is also available separately, with a supercap and the 20p 2mm connector.

There is also an active GPS antenna available that can be connected on this kit.
